

The legend of the Azusa street revival, the most famous fire of the “first wave” of the Pentecostal outpouring:  William Seymour attended Charles Parham’s Bible College, got the building you see above, and shared Parham’s teaching in it.  Tongues, interpretation, group and personal prophecy, trance, and miracle healing followed.


We teach the same beliefs that are  followed by the same signs and wonders, but we have tools and technology to spread this full Gospel message to the ends of the earth more rapidly and to places where traditional church building and clergy models are illegal or impractical.


We teach the same beliefs as Parham’s Bible College in our Online Bible College that is smoothly integrated into a house church-planting network.

Instead of house church leaders having to come up with a bible-teaching for each meeting , it is provided from our turn-key discipleship curriculum.


Each lesson is training to do ministry, one-to-another.  Small groups provide a safe environment to practice on people who know you.  Instead of separating people from their local body, job, family, or greater faith community – to go to a seminary or Bible College, this builds the body closer in community under the Apostles teaching (aka Bible College).  It also eliminates the clergy/laity distinction because everyone is “going to Bible College”.


After a few years of participating in house church meetings you will have progressed through the curriculum enough to start a house church.  Since the curriculum is online, you can work through at your own pace and make that time period months instead of years.


If you are not that ambitious, consider this:  Stephen Lim, D.Min, academic dean and professor of leadership and ministry, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, Missouri, writes:

One respected scholar states that during its first several centuries, the church required converts to go through a training period of 2 to 3 years before they were fully accepted into the church.  

Demonstrating mastery of the knowledge in our curriculum goes beyond answering questions, but also involves applying this knowledge in love by ministering His grace one-to-another and creating and maintaining close, loving, non-sexual relationships.

Hands On

Doing ministry no longer needs to seem intimidating.  All the tips and secrets are disclosed in our Discipleship Program (we do not really call it Bible College).  There is no pressure and you will be provided with specific training straight from the Bible on how to minister one-to-another in love.  We flow in the same practical training and equipping emphasis as Dr. John G. Lake, who trained “Divine Healing Technicians” with a “Healing Manual”.   Unit 3 of 3 of our second course (Miracle Healing 101) in our Discipleship Program trains registrants on how to use our ~100 page Miracle Healing Manual.

Get Started..

..Right now for free by viewing our first 21 videos of our curriculum on Youtube.