

Can be done here, exclusively.  Please email giving at apostolic faith mission dot org if you prefer not to give online.


We do not:

  1. Tell people that they should, need to, ought to, or better give donations, tithes, or offerings.
  2. Take up offerings or “pass the plate” at home meetings.

If If donations, contributions, help (including time or money), or aid of any kind (outside products, ministries, or services) are requested or solicited in any way,  by anyone, at any time – through your involvement with this ministry – please email solicitation at apostolicFaithMission dot org.

What we offer

No Cost

We do not charge for our online textbook, or the first 20 Video Multimedia Lectures of Miracle Healing 101 []. We also offer scholarships [] for top learners in need who master this free opportunity.

Low Cost

Our instructional goods and services are detailed at our websites, and payment is made up front.

Conditions for Donations

Donations may be made out of pure motives to help us ( continue our work preaching (Matthew 10:7-8) and teaching the Full Gospel, by developing, distributing, and delivering our instructional materials ( directly at, upon the following conditions:

We do not want “blood money” (Matthew 27:6) given out of impure motives, such as “Giving to get”.  Donations made to God or Gospel ministry for the purposes of hoping to get something from God in return (Romans 11:35), such as:

  1. Sozo – Healing, deliverance, salvation, provision/prosperity, or any other spiritual blessing.
  2. Freedom from guilt – we will help you overcome guilt with our free resources by the Gospel.  We will not take donations given to absolve or assuage unrelated guilt (Matthew 27:6), or donations given to avoid guilt (2 Cor 9:7).
  3. Control – or influence over the ministry in any way (Acts 5), including decisions or the acquisition (Acts 8:18-22) of spiritual power, blessings, or intellectual property.

Sow where you are fed

If you would like to tithe here because this is where you are being fed, or would like to make a donation, or an offering to the Lord – but need to first work through some of the above issues – please feel free to learn and fellowship with us without giving.

If you believe in tithing, you can set that amount aside until you are at peace with us and/or your own heart as a cheerful one that is not giving from compulsion or guilt.